Understanding DevOPS – P1

Hello and Welcome to first blog post of a long series, DevOPS. Sounds Fancy, right ? Let us dive together into the world of DevOPS and understand how to be a DevOPS Engineer.

How to become a DevOPS engineer ?

To become a DevOPS engineer, one needs to have technical skills in several areas related to development, automation, containerization, CSP (Cloud Service Providers), CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment ) Pipelines and many more. With the skills listed above one should also have knowledge with tools such as any programming language (start with Python as it is easy to learn for a start), AWS/GCP/Azure, Ansible, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Git, Monitoring & Logging tools.

This sure sounds alot but don’t worry, you and I are going to go through this journey together at every step of the way.

We will be following a pre-determined roadmap to get into DevOPS. Checkout roadmap

What should you do along with reading this blog series for DevOPS ?

As we see that DevOPS require you to have a technical understanding of how things work. We will be going through few exercises in the series ahead but It is also required for you to do research on your own too. Reading is a must, When you become a DevOPS engineer in future you will be required to troubleshoot issues where something is broken and documentation doesn’t cover it. In these situations your ability to research and understanding will play a critical role. Also, You need to build a habit of documentation. To begin with documentation, Get into the habit of writing down your research queries for a start.

Documentation is boring, yes we all know that but it is also critical for future engineers to understand how the existing infrastructure works and also future YOU to troubleshoot.

Checkout reddit for r/devops to begin with.

In the Next blog we will go with first step to be taken that is getting started with a programming language – Python.

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